Logo Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Tito Sarrocchi - Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico e Liceo Scientifico delle scienze applicate

GIOVEDÌ 7 MAGGIO - ore 15,00-16,00: From Home to Space by Missione USA in Italia & Agenzia Spaziale Italiana


Missione USA in Italia e Agenzia Spaziale Italiana vi raccontano lo Spazio. Con appuntamenti settimanali, in alternanza tra interlocutori italiani e statunitensi, testimoni della conquista umana, scientifica e tecnologica dello spazio vi introdurranno al mondo fuori dal nostro mondo: il Cosmo. Ci racconteranno le conquiste del passato e quelle del presente, ma soprattutto i programmi e le ricerche per quelle a venire.  

From Home to Space 

 vi accompagnerà per il Cosmo con la vostra astronave Casa 

Missione USA in Italia & Agenzia Spaziale Italiana 


invitano ad un nuovo incontro della serie From Home to Space con 

Danielle Wood 

Director, Space Enabled Research Group  

Assistant Professor of Media Arts & Sciences and Aeronautics & Astronautics 


"Sustainability in Space and on Earth: Research Initiatives of the Space Enabled Research Group" 


Giovedì, 7 maggio ore 15:00-16:00 

per partecipare:  https://ambasciatausa.it/FromHomeToSpace/ 

Il programma è interattivo e si svolgerà in inglese 

Usando la funzione Q&A potete inviare quesiti a cui l'ospite risponderà in diretta 

#nonmancate #iorestoacasa 

Presentation abstract 

Dr. Wood will present the work of the Space Enabled Research Group at the MIT Media Lab whose mission is to advance justice in Earth’s complex systems using designs enabled by space. 

The Group's message is that six types of space technology are supporting societal needs, as defined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). These six technologies include:

  • satellite earth observation
  • satellite communication
  • satellite positioning 
  • microgravity research 
  • technology transfer
  • infrastructure related to space research and education. 

While much good work has been done, barriers remain that limit the application of space technology as a tool for sustainable development. The Space Enabled Research Group works to increase the opportunities to apply space technology in support of the UNSDG and to support space sustainability.  

Dr. Wood will describe six methods: 

  • design thinking
  • art
  • social science
  • complex systems
  • satellite engineering and data science. 

The Space Enabled Research Group collaborates with development leaders who represent multilateral organizations, national and local governments, non-profits and entrepreneurial firms to identify opportunities to apply space technology in their work. They strive to enable a more just future in which every community can easily and affordably apply space technology. 

The work toward their mission covers three themes: 

1) Research to apply existing space technology to support the UNSDG; 

2) Research to design space systems that are accessible and sustainable; 

3) Research to study the relationship between technology design and justice. 

The presentation will give examples of research projects within each of these themes. 

 Prof. Danielle Wood

Director of the Space Enabled Research Group 

Assistant Professor of Media Arts & Sciences and Aeronautics & Astronautics 

Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Professor Danielle Wood serves as an Assistant Professor in Media Arts & Sciences and holds a joint appointment in the Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Within the MIT Media Lab, Prof. Wood leads the Space Enabled Research Group which seeks to advance justice in Earth's complex systems using designs enabled by space. Prof. Wood is a scholar of societal development with a background that includes satellite design, earth science applications, systems engineering, and technology policy. In her research, Prof. Wood applies these skills to design innovative systems that harness space technology to address development challenges around the world. Prior to serving as faculty at MIT, Professor Wood held positions at NASA Headquarters, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Aerospace Corporation, Johns Hopkins University, and the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs. Prof. Wood studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she earned a PhD in engineering systems, SM in aeronautics and astronautics, SM in technology policy, and SB in aerospace engineering. 

Website: https://spaceenabled.media.mit.edu 

Twitter: @space_enabled 

Instagram: @space.enabled 

Lorella Rigonat         Cel.   338 2106 828        e-mail     Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Sandro Sutti              Cel.  333  8054 566        e-mail    Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Maria Pia Coceano  Cel.   329 0926 470          e-mail    Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.